I’ve already admitted to being severely addicted to coffee. A loyalist to LAMill and Intelligentsia, it’s tricky for me to find a comparable cup of coffee while traveling. Thankfully, there is an independent coffee house where my in-laws live that can rival cups at both LAMill and Intelli.
Oh, Macy’s. How I treasure your expertly roasted beans, carefully pulled espresso, perfectly steamed milk. It’s no wonder the line for cappuccino and perfectly baked pastries extends out the door. This time of year boasts the seasonal Santa’s Special– a double shot of espresso with steamed egg nog. Divine. So festive. So tasty. Yum.
If you ever find yourself in Flagstaff, AZ, and you’re a coffee connoisseur, make a stop at Macy’s. In the meantime, check out the founder, Tim Macy on NPR.