Conceived by Jennifer Williams, a former professional ballet dancer, Pop Physique offers an alternative to traditional training classes offered at typical gyms. The classes are like any other workout out there. As a dancer myself, taken every almost every kind of class imaginable, from Bikram yoga to Pilates; aerobics to spinning. Let me assure you: There is no other class out there like this. And yes, I have been to the competitors’ classes, too. Pop Physique blows them all out of the water.
Pop Sculpt combines Pilates, yoga, and ballet with a dash of isometrics and light weight training in a compact and concise hour long session. Targeting all major muscle groups, the flow alternates low-impact/high repetition exercises with stretching, so as lengthen muscles to avoid any bulky build-up. The instructors are primarily by dancers, all of whom have extensive knowledge of physiology and body conditioning. The music is always hip and motivating. Pop Sculpt classes are accessible to all students, no dance or yoga experience needed. Best of all, the classes are small enough to allow for personal attention to ensure proper form and execution. It’s fun, addicting, and effective. Give it a try! You have nothing to lose than those extra lbs.
Pop Physique has locations in Silver Lake and all over Southern California. Check out the video my fellow mom blogger, Donna (of Super Mommy… Not) shot. You’ll even get to meet Shawna, who just so happens to be my favorite instructor over at Pop…